implementation and enforcement
of Plant Breeders Rights and the
elimination of illegal production and trade of
seed potatoes and grass seeds

About us

Breeders Trust is an organisation of 13 seed potato breeding companies from Germany, the Netherlands, France, Scotland and Denmark. It concerns AGRICO, AVERIS, CYGNET, DANESPO, EUROPLANT, GERMICOPA, HZPC, INTERSEED, MEIJER POTATO, NORIKA, SCHAAP, SOLANA and STET. These companies are active in developing, producing and trading new potato varieties. Breeders Trust has started in 2008. Since 2011, also 11 grass seed companies have joined Breeders Trust. These companies are active in breeding, producing and trading grass seeds and fodder and manure crops.

BREEDERS TRUST follows the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) when obtaining and processing personal data via the internet. This law helps to protect the privacy of individuals. More information can be found here .

Why Breeders Trust was founded:

Worldwide, copying protected products and illegal trade is an increasing problem.
This is also the case in the seed potato and grass seed chains.
The participating companies miss out on part of their income due to non-payment of license fees
and unauthorized propagation and trade in (protected) varieties.
For example, the development of a new potato variety takes at least 10 years and costs at least .......

The objectives of Breeders Trust are:

To support its participating companies in the implementation and enforcement of their Plant Breeders’ Rights protection and reduce the illegal trade in plant propagation material.
To see that license fees are paid for the multiplication of varieties and that production and trade takes place within the applicable legislation.
Informing growers and supply chains concerning the risks .....


12 potato breeding companies and 10 grass breeding companies
seed potato companies

Click on the button above for an overview of the global operating Seed Potato breeding companies who are Shareholder of Breeders Trust.

grass seed companies

Click on the button above for an overview of the global operating Grass Seed breeding Companies who are Member of Breeders Trust.

Press releases

Below the 12 most recent new items. Click on tilte to read.