
Members grass seed companies

Since 2011, eleven grass seed companies joined BREEDERS TRUST. These companies are active in breeding, producing and trading grass seeds and fodder crops. These are the companies:

Barenbrug Holding BV Stationsstraat 40, 6515 AB Nijmegen, The Netherlands +3124 34 88 100 www.barenbrug.nl
DLF Ny Østergade 9, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark +45 46 330 300 www.dlf.com
DSV Weissenburger Straße 5, D-59557 Lippstadt, Germany +49(0)2941 296 0 www.dsv-seeds.com
Germinal Holdings Limited 1 Clarence St, Belfast BT2 8DX, United Kingdom +44 (0) 28 4066 2277 www.germinal.com
L. Stroetmann Saat GmbH & Co. KG Harkortstraße 30, 48163 Münster, Germany +49 (0) 251 71820 stroetmann-saat.de
Lantmännen Neptunigatan 47, Malmö, Sweden +46 (0)10-556 56 00 www.lantmannenseed.com
P.H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard GmbH Streichmühler Str. 8a, 24977 Grundhof, Germany +49(0)4636890 www.phpetersen.com
R.A.G.T. Rue Emile Singla ,12000 Rodez +33(0)565734100 ragt-semences.fr
Rudloff GmbH Sereetzer Feld 8, 23611 Sereetz, Germany +49 (0)451398760 www.rudloff.de
Saatzucht Steinach GmbH & Co KG Wittelsbacherstraße 15, D-94377 Steinach, Germany +49 (0) 94 28 – 94 19-0 www.saatzucht.de
Vandinter Semo BV Stationsstraat 124, 9679 EG Scheemda The Netherlands +31 (0)597 - 591 233 www.vandintersemo.nl